Iris is asking are they friendly pigs? That seems to be her main concern...I think she recognises the electric fence in the background and is wondering if you are keeping them in, or out. I really like the epitaph and how it does explain Gregory's connection to people, to his flock, whoever they are. I am very excited about learning more about him but it is great that you gave us this post as a beginning. Thank you. I think that the periods of stillness/stagnant times that I had late last year were incredible times of growth. They were spent sitting in hospital and not doing much but God was working in and through me and I am incredibly grateful that He gave me those times, despite the pain. See you soon!

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Aren't those tender mercies, often just visible in retrospect, such a gift? I'm so glad you enjoyed. And I have the recording of the zoom chat up now, so you can watch the replay! St. Gregory fascinates me, and his epitaph really strikes a chord in my heart.

Please tell Iris: what a GREAT question!! Yes, these pigs are very friendly...they love getting scratched behind the ears, and they love treats. I'll try to send you a video. Also, what great observation - there is indeed an electric line there! We use that to keep the pigs fenced in...it allows us to easily break down and build a new pasture for them, since moving the fenceposts and the lines doesn't take tons of time.

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Great post, thanks, and lovely pigs!

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Thank you so much! :) The pigs are such sweethearts.

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