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Beginning on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day (December 25), up until Christmas begins
Natural Seasons: Fall & Winter
Months: Movable, December (& sometimes November)
Just as the harvest season ends and the pace of farm work slows, Advent quietly ushers us into the new liturgical year with a focus on preparation & patience: we’re asked to practice the art of attentive waiting.
The twelve days lasting from Christmas Day until January 5th, also known as Twelfth Night
Natural Season: Winter
Months: December & January
A time set apart for celebration, the twelve days of Christmastide are the embodiment of faith - though the fields are cold & dormant and the night is at its longest, we gather to celebrate the light of Christ.
(Ordinary Time I)
Lasts from the Monday after the Baptism of Our Lord up until Ash Wednesday
Natural Season: Winter
Months: January & February
This starlit Epiphany season - the year’s first expression of Ordinary Time (“ordered” or “counted” time) - completes the Christmas cycle and lasts from Epiphany up until Ash Wednesday. A wintry, transitional time of preparing for spring, Epiphanytide calls us to extend Christ into the world and invites us to re-examine our rhythms.
Lasting from Ash Wednesday through the evening of Maundy Thursday (approximately 40 days)
Natural Seasons: Winter/Spring
Months: Movable, between February & April
Lent (derived from the Anglo-Saxon lencten, “lengthen”, a term used for Springtime) is a time of germination - we prepare fields & prepare ourselves, exploring what habits we need to prune from our lives to truly thrive in the way Christ has called us.
Palm Sunday through Holy Saturday (the week leading up to Easter Sunday)
Natural Season: Spring
Months: Movable, between March & April
Holy Week asks us to recall and participate in the Passion (suffering) of Christ. It calls into focus the intense work we’ve done during Lent, preparing us for the final transition toward the mystery of Easter.
From Easter Sunday through Pentecost Sunday (50 days)
Natural Season: Spring
Months: Movable, between March & June
Eastertide is a celebratory season of new life. It’s a time set apart to revel & steep in the paradox given to us in the mystery of Christ - the transformation of death into life - as we watch seeds flourish and trees leaf out.
Easter Sunday itself is a movable feast, and its dating revolves around the springtime lunar cycle.
(Ordinary Time II)
From the Monday after Pentecost up to the first Sunday of Advent
Natural Seasons: Spring/Summer/Fall
Months: Movable, June through November
The second expression of Ordinary Time (“ordered” or “counted” time) in the year, this long sweep of the Church calendar encompasses the shifting harvest work of both summer & fall. A time of growth, fecundity, & abundance, the Season After Pentecost reminds us of the transformational work of daily life - in which we’re called to steward ourselves, our communities, and our landscape.
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